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Maven, Flex build issue

I am new to Maven. I am trying to compile Flex using maven plug-in flexmojos. I am having hard time to get maven download files from public repository. Currently we do not have any company intranet repository. Maven always fails to download required files (eg: flex-framework) from repository. Initially I did not configure the proxy, but now I did. After that maven was able to communicate to the repositories but unable to download all the files. I did try deleting the 'repository' directory couple of times, and also tried re-installing maven software.

Because, it could not download the files I thought may be I should try copying the files manually into the default repository location (/.m2/repository) and did that. But still I get an error as below.

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project nuxi-nms-flex-stats: Could not resolve
dependencies for project nuxi:nuxi-nms-flex-stats :swf:1.0.0: The following artifacts 
could not be resolved: com.adobe.flex.framework:flex-framework:pom:,
com.adobe.flex .framework:playerglobal:0.swc:2: Could not find artifact
com.adobe.flex.framework:flex-framework:pom: in central -> [Help 1]

This error message is really frustrating me. I have also tried building a sample app from sonatype examples on how to build a Flex app. Even that fails with a similar message (this time it complained unable to download flex compiler)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>nuxi nms flex stats</name>

        <name>Central Maven Repository</name>

        <name>Flex mojos plugin for maven</name>
        <name>Flex compiler</name>
        <name>Flex Framework</name>


My question is, am I doing anything wrong? What could be the issue here? Any help in this regard is appreciated.... Thanks...

Sorry for such a lengthy explanation...


  • This could be easily fixed by using maven archetypes instead of building it manually. As a good starting point, do this in the command line to create you folder structure & initial pom:

    mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeRepository= -DarchetypeGroupId=org.sonatype.flexmojos -DarchetypeArtifactId=flexmojos-archetypes-application -DarchetypeVersion=3.5.0