I have a list of 2D coordinates that draw a shape, e.g. [{12, 14}, {22, 44}, {59, 33}, ...]
I'd like to be able to take this shape, and center it in a canvas of arbitrary size (let's say 400x400) and have it take as much space as possible.
I've figured out how to normalize the list so it's in the 0-1 range, but ended up being stuck there when trying to then scale it up to the desired size.
Any help would be appreciated!
Find minimal and maximal values for X and Y coordinates xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
Calculate point cloud width and height, and middle coordinates
cw = xmax - xmin
ch = ymax - ymin
mx = (xmax + xmin) / 2
my = (ymax + ymin) / 2
Now find coefficient
if cw * canvas.height >= ch * canvas.width
coeff = canvas.width / cw
coeff = canvas.height / ch
Now get canvas center
centerx = canvas.width / 2
centery = canvas.height / 2
and apply the next transformation to every point (x,y)
screenx = centerx + coeff * (x - mx)
screeny = centery + coeff * (y - my)