I have an arrow function that returns this:
return (
<div className="posts">
<Post />
{dataApi.map((post) => {
return <Post post={post} key={uuidv4()} />;
In my Post component, I try to import the author, the date and the text passed in props, but it tells me that this data is undefined. However, when I console.log (post), my data appears ... here is the code :
const Post = ({post}) => {
//const {author, date_creation, message} = post
return (
<div className="post">
<div className="post__author_group">
<Avatar className={"post__avatar"} />
<div className="post__author_and_date">
<Author className="post__author" author={'author'} />
<Date className="post__date" date={'date_creation'} />
<Text message={'message'} />
{/* <Media /> */}
<Interactions />
If i console.log(post), i can see my 5 objects, but if I uncomment "//const {author, date_creation, message} = post" and replace author = {'author "} with author = {author} (which is a prop), it puts me" TypeError: Cannot destructure property' author 'of' post 'as it is undefined ."
I don't know if it's related but when I console.log (post), in my console before I have my objects, I have two "undefined" but I don't know where it came from. My console :
Post.js: 12 undefined
Post.js: 12 undefined
Post.js: 12 {id: 1, message: 'Hello World', date_creation: '2020-11-11T10: 11: 11.000Z', author: 'Vincent'}
Post.js: 12 {id: 2, message: 'Hello World', date_creation: '2020-11-11T10: 11: 11.000Z', author: 'Vincent'}
Post.js: 12 {id: 3, message: 'Hello World', date_creation: '2017-06-29T15: 54: 04.000Z', author: 'Vincent'}
Post.js: 12 {id: 4, message: 'Hello World', date_creation: '2021-09-03T13: 50: 33.000Z', author: 'Vincent'}
Post.js: 12 {id: 5, message: 'Hello World', date_creation: '2021-09-03T13: 50: 49.000Z', author: 'Vincent'}
It is because your data is not loaded when your component is first time loaded. Try this:
const Post = ({post}) => {
const {author, date_creation, message} = post // You can destructure here
return (
// ....
else return null;
Load the above component if you received all your data
return (
<div className="posts">
<Post />
{dataApi && dataApi.length > 0 && dataApi.map((post) => {
return <Post post={post} key={uuidv4()} />;