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Limiting file types for a specific DocumentChooserBlock() Block in Wagtail Steamfield

I'm trying to limit query results for a specific DocumentChooserBlock inside of a wagtail stream field block.

I already know that you can limit file types for DocumentChooser for a page type by using hooks, but I would like to avoid limiting possible file types page wide in case I need them for other StreamField blocks.

Are there any possible ways to implement what I am trying to achieve here?


  • Using wagtail-generic-chooser offers much more ability to customise the way the Chooser modal works.

    Step 1 - Install wagtail-generic-chooser

    • Run: pip install wagtail-generic-chooser
    • Then add generic_chooser to your project's INSTALLED_APPS.

    Step 2 - Set up the Chooser view set

    • Similar to the docs instructions on setting up a Chooser view set
    • Ensure we can handle the accept parameter by creating a custom class that extends the ModelChooserMixin, this will mean the param still gets passed when searching.
    • Add handling of a accept URL param to conditionally filter the returned values.
    • Set up a class that extends ModelChooserViewSet which will handle the showing of the Document listing within the modal.


    from django.db.models import Q
    from generic_chooser.views import ModelChooserMixin, ModelChooserViewSet
    from wagtail.documents.models import Document
    class RestrictedDocumentChooserMixin(ModelChooserMixin):
        # preserve this URL parameter on pagination / search
        preserve_url_parameters = [
        def get_unfiltered_object_list(self):
            objects = super().get_unfiltered_object_list()
            accept = self.request.GET.get("accept")
            print("get_unfiltered_object_list", accept)
            if accept:
                accepted_files = accept.split(",")
                queries = [Q(file__iendswith=f".{value}") for value in accepted_files]
                query = queries.pop()
                for item in queries:
                    query |= item
                objects = objects.filter(query)
            return objects
    class RestrictedDocumentChooserViewSet(ModelChooserViewSet):
        chooser_mixin_class = RestrictedDocumentChooserMixin
        icon = "doc"
        model = Document
        page_title = "Choose a document"
        per_page = 10
        order_by = "title"
        fields = ["title", "file"]

    Step 3 - Create the Chooser Widget

    • This widget is not the Block but will be used as the base for the Block and can also be used for a FieldPanel.
    • Similar to the Setting up of a model based Widget create a class that extends the AdminChooser.
    • In the __init__ method we pull out the accept kwarg so we can use it to generate the custom URL param.
    • Override the get_edit_item_url method which will allow the clicking of a selected Document to edit it.
    • Override the ``get_choose_modal_urlto append the URL query param (note: I could not getreverse` working here without heaps more wrangling).


    from django.contrib.admin.utils import quote
    from django.urls import reverse
    from generic_chooser.widgets import AdminChooser
    from wagtail.documents.models import Document
    class RestrictedDocumentChooser(AdminChooser):
        def __init__(self, **kwargs):
            self.accept = kwargs.pop("accept")
        choose_one_text = "Choose a Document"
        choose_another_text = "Choose another document"
        link_to_chosen_text = "Edit this document"
        model = Document
        choose_modal_url_name = "restricted_document_chooser:choose"
        def get_choose_modal_url(self):
            url = super().get_choose_modal_url()
            return url + "?accept=%s" % self.accept
        def get_edit_item_url(self, item):
            return reverse("wagtaildocs:edit", args=[])

    Step 4 - Register the chooser viewset in Wagtail Hooks

    • No need to use the construct_document_chooser_queryset here, instead use the hook register_admin_viewset and register the RestrictedDocumentChooserViewSet.


    from wagtail.core import hooks
    from .views import RestrictedDocumentChooserViewSet
    # ... other hooks etc
    def register_restricted_document_chooser_viewset():
        return RestrictedDocumentChooserViewSet(
            "restricted_document_chooser", url_prefix="restricted-document-chooser"

    Step 5 - Set up and use the custom Block

    • This class extends the ChooserBlock and wraps the RestrictedDocumentChooser widget that has been created.
    • On __init__ the same kwarg accept is pulled out and passed to the RestrictedDocumentChooser when created.
    • This block can be used by calling it similar to any other block, with the kwarg accept though. doc_block = RestrictedDocumentChooserBlock(accept="svg,md")


    from django.utils.functional import cached_property
    from wagtail.images.blocks import ChooserBlock
    # ...
    class RestrictedDocumentChooserBlock(ChooserBlock):
        def __init__(self, **kwargs):
            self.accept = kwargs.pop("accept")
        def target_model(self):
            from wagtail.documents.models import Document
            return Document
        def widget(self):
            from .widgets import RestrictedDocumentChooser
            return RestrictedDocumentChooser(accept=self.accept)
        def get_form_state(self, value):
            return self.widget.get_value_data(value)