I am trying to plot a file of data along with 2 circles with gnuplot. The data file is here and the circle file is here. The circles are quite big compared to the dataset, and when I plot it on a large scale everything works fine. But when I try to zoom in, the circles disappear. Here are the gnuplot commands I use (v5.4.2):
plot 'data.txt' us (log($2)):(log($3)) w lp, 'circ.txt' us 1:2:3 w circles
Here is the result (looks ok):
Now if I try to zoom in a little (still ok):
set xrange [*:55]
Trying to zoom in more (circles disappear!)
set xrange [*:8]
Is this a bug in gnuplot, or is there a way to fix this and visualize the circles on a zoomed in view?
Gnuplot does not draw points that are out of range. You can think of a circle as a point defined by its center and radius. As soon as the center goes out of range, in this case xmin < xmax < center, the circle is no longer drawn.