I am getting an unknown compile error when I try to add a ForEach loop with a subviewmodel of my main view model:
I've seen this error in a similar situation before, I am wondering if there are any possible common errors with ViewModels in ForEach loops that could be leading to this error?
Here is my SwiftUI View with the ForEach loop:
struct GroupHubView: View {
@ObservedObject var groupHubVM: GroupHubViewModel
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
ScrollView {
VStack {
ForEach(groupHubVM.activeGroupViewModels) { groupCellVM in
GroupCellView(groupCellVM: groupCellVM)
And here is the ViewModel, that has a combine-populated list of sub-viewmodels that starts out as an empty array, before I call loadActiveGroups()
class GroupHubViewModel: ObservableObject {
@Published var groupRepository: GroupStoreType
@Published var currentUser: CurrentUserType
@Published var activeGroupViewModels: [GroupCellViewModel] = [GroupCellViewModel]()
@Published var pendingInviteViewModels: [GroupCellViewModel] = [GroupCellViewModel]()
private var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()
init(groupRepository: GroupStoreType, currentUser: CurrentUserType = CurrentUserProfile.shared) {
self.groupRepository = groupRepository
self.currentUser = currentUser
func loadActiveGroups() {
self.groupRepository.accountabilityGroupsPublisher.map { groups in
groups.filter { group in
if group.members?.contains(where: { $0.userId == self.currentUser.currentUser!.id && $0.membershipStatus == .active }) == true {
return true
} else {
return false
.map { group in
GroupCellViewModel(groupRepository: self.groupRepository, accountabilityGroup: group)
.assign(to: \.activeGroupViewModels, on: self)
.store(in: &cancellables)
As soon as I add this:
ForEach(groupHubVM.activeGroupViewModels) { groupCellVM in
I get the full unknown compile error on the view.
If I just add the ForEach, like this: ForEach(groupHubVM.activeGroupViewModels)
, I get this error saying that "generic parameter "Content" could not be inferred:
Edited: My GroupCellViewModel is very simple at this point - it just holds the GroupRepository and the specific group at this point:
class GroupCellViewModel: ObservableObject {
@Published var groupRepository: GroupStoreType
@Published var group: AccountabilityGroup
private var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()
init(groupRepository: GroupStoreType, currentUser: CurrentUserType = CurrentUserProfile.shared, accountabilityGroup: AccountabilityGroup) {
self.groupRepository = groupRepository
self.group = accountabilityGroup
Based on the comments above by loreipsum and George, my issue was that GroupCellViewModel didn't conform to Identifiable. I fixed this and that solved the issue:
class GroupCellViewModel: ObservableObject, Identifiable {
@Published var groupRepository: GroupStoreType
@Published var group: AccountabilityGroup
private var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()
init(groupRepository: GroupStoreType, currentUser: CurrentUserType = CurrentUserProfile.shared, accountabilityGroup: AccountabilityGroup) {
self.groupRepository = groupRepository
self.group = accountabilityGroup