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How to properly check object types in Python?

Problem: I have to check that the a returned value is a Python dictionary.

Q1. Which of these options is the proper way to do this?

type(x) == dict

type(x) == type(dict)

isinstance(d, dict)

Then there are the other variants using is operator instead of ==.

Q2. Many people say that checking the type of an object is generally a bad practice, but regarding to my initial problem, do I have any other choice?


  • Q1. Which of these options is the proper way to do this?

    Don't waste time on type checking.

    It's error-prone because it's based on assumptions.

    Q2. ... do I have any other choice?

    Yes do this.

    except TypeError:
        # x was not the expected type for the operation
        raise # or whatever.

    In most cases, this amounts to "do nothing".

    Just write the code. If "somehow" a malicious sociopath uses the wrong type, it will just crash like it's supposed to.