So I'm using Firebase Realtime Database to store some data and would like to use the results of a query, as an input for another function (generate signed URLs). My code is as follows:
// initialize the empty list
let lista = []
// define the async function that does everything
async function queryandgeturls() {
// make the query to the firebase realtimeDB
await ref.orderByChild('timestamp_start').startAt(timestamp1).endAt(timestamp2).on('child_added', (snapshot) => {
// use the list as input for another function to get Signed URLs
for (const fileName of lista) {
const [signedUrl] = await storage.bucket(bucketName).file(fileName).getSignedUrl({
version: 'v4',
expires: + 15 * 60 * 1000,
action: 'read'
console.log(`The signed URL for ${fileName} is ${signedUrl}`);
// call the function
No luck so far. Any leads?
The on
method keeps an open listener to the event that can be called repeatedly, so it doesn't return a promise (since a promise can only resolve once). So the await ref.orderByChild....on('child_added'...
in your code doesn't do anything, which probably explains the problem.
To properly solve this problem, use once('value', ...
and don't combine await
and callbacks.
async function queryandgeturls() {
// make the query to the firebase realtimeDB
const results = await ref.orderByChild('timestamp_start').startAt(timestamp1).endAt(timestamp2).once('value');
results.forEach((snapshot) => {