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Problem with SRT file (index and empty line)

How can I change the following .srt file to look like the one at the end of the post?:



00:00:01,270  -->  00:00:04,520
<v Narrator>Now before diving into some NodeJS code,</v>


00:00:04,520  -->  00:00:06,700
let's do a high level overview

I want to change it into this (not duplicate index and remove empty line):

00:00:01,270  -->  00:00:04,520
<v Narrator>Now before diving into some NodeJS code,</v>

00:00:04,520  -->  00:00:06,700
let's do a high level overview

I think I can use Notepad++ but how?


  • Assumming //empty line don't exist as literal

    • Ctrl+H
    • Find what: \R?\d+\R+(\d+\R)\R*(.+\R.+(\R?))
    • Replace with: $1$2$3
    • CHECK Match case
    • CHECK Wrap around
    • CHECK Regular expression
    • UNCHECK . matches newline
    • Replace all


    \R?         # any kind of linebreak, optional
    \d+         # 1 or more digits
    \R+         # any kind of linebreak
    (           # group 1
        \d+         # 1 or more digits
        \R          # any kind of linebreak
    )           # end group
    \R*         # any kind of linebreak
    (           # group 2
        .+          # 1 or more any character but newline
        \R          # any kind of linebreak
        .+          # 1 or more any character but newline
        (\R?)       # group 3, any kind of linebreak, optional
    )           # end group


    $1          # content of group 1, the digits
    $2          # content of group 2, the text
    $3          # content of group 3, optional linebreak

    Screenshot (before):

    enter image description here

    Screenshot (after):

    enter image description here