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How can I make extension disabled when the link is not matched with content_script?

  "content_scripts": [
      "matches": [
      "js": ["contentScript.bundle.js"],
      "css": ["styles.css"]

How can I make extension turned off or not clickable if its not matched with content_script link?


  • You can implement something like this in the background file,


    1. Create an Array of domains which has been specified in your content script.
    2. Add a listener on the tab selection changed and tab updated.
    3. Checkout the currently active tab is in your array or not.
    4. Set a flag value true false using the above check.
    5. On extension click now, check if the flag is true then perform the task else ignore the click.
    let activeExtension = false;
    const contentScriptMatchArray = ['', ''];
    chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener((tabId, changeInfo, tab) => {
    function handleExtensionActiveState(tabs) {
        if (tabs.tabId) {
            chrome.tabs.get(tabs.tabId, (tab) => {
                activeExtension = checkWhiteListedOrigin(tab);
        } else {
            activeExtension = checkWhiteListedOrigin(tabs);
    function checkWhiteListedOrigin(tab) {
        const tabURl = new URL(tab.url);
        return contentScriptMatchArray.includes(tabURl.origin);
    chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function () {
        if (activeExtension) {


    • you can also change your extension icon, so your extension will look like it's actually disabled
