Like the title says i'm super new in PowerShell and i was trying to get the ping to a list of different IP's and servers at work.
I found this script on here and it kinda gives what i want (i touched a little bit):
$group = @()
foreach ($ip in $Iplist) {
$status = @{ "Servidor" = $ip; "Fecha" = (Get-Date -Format "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm") }
$pings = Test-Connection $ip
if ($pings) {
$status["AverageResponseTime"] =
($pings | Measure-Object -Property ResponseTime -Average).Average
$status["Estado"] = "OK"
else {
$status["Estado"] = "Down"
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $status -OutVariable serverStatus
$group += $serverStatus
The output to this one is this:
Estado Fecha AverageResponseTime Servidor
------ ----- ------------------- --------
OK 03/09/2021 22:58 5.25 IP 1
OK 03/09/2021 22:58 33.75 IP 2
OK 03/09/2021 22:58 5.5 IP 3
But i wanted to get an output like this:
------ -------- ------------------- --- --- --------
IP1 03/09/2021 22:58 5.25 4ms 6ms OK
IP2 03/09/2021 22:58 33.75 25ms 40ms OK
IP3 03/09/2021 22:58 5.5 4ms 6ms OK
And honestly i dont know how to get it like that. If anyone has any advice/line i'll greatly appreciate it.
This is due to how PowerShell doesn't enforce ordering of keys for hash-tables. More information here:
To amend your code such that it will enforce the order, change this line, adding the ordered
attribute tag:
$status = [ordered]@{ "Servidor" = $ip; "Fecha" = (Get-Date -Format "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm") }
This means your keys will be in the order you specify. When new keys are added they are kept at the end of the hashtable. Your final keys before creating the output object will be:
Which I think is what you want.
Another way of enforcing an order, just for display purposes is the Select-Object
cmdlet. For example in your case, you can print the data in the order of choice by listing named Properties in order:
$group | Select-Object Servidor, Fecha, AverageResponseTime, Estado
Piping again to something like Export-Csv
would create an output file with keys in the order specified.