I'm extracting a string from a txt file encoded in 'utf-8', application_name = 'MicrosoftEdge'
Then I'm using python ctypes module to determine the current active application window = curr_application
user32 = ctypes.WinDLL('user32', use_last_error=True)
curr_window = user32.GetForegroundWindow()
window_name = str(win32gui.GetWindowText(curr_window))
rev = window_name[::-1]
pos = rev.find("-")
curr_application = rev[0:pos][::-1].replace(" ","")
which also returns: 'MicrosoftEdge'
but when I do:
print(curr_application == application_name)
it always returns False
Here's the output I got from:
>>> print(application_name.encode())
>>> print(curr_application.encode())
My question is, what should I do so that I get true when I compare both strings?
Here's what worked for me:
import string
allowed_chars = string.ascii_letters
application_name = 'MicrosoftEdge'
curr_application = 'Microsoft\xe2\x80\x8bEdge'
application = ""
for letter in curr_application:
if letter in allowed_chars:
application = application + letter
which then returns True