Is there a simple way of casting an optional Int to a String in SwiftUI and displaying it?
Ideally without having to check for nil
while also having a default Int
of 0
var body: some View {
HStack {
workout.duration != nil ? Text(String(workout.duration ?? 0)) : nil
some examples, first unwrapping Int with default option
Text("\(workDuration ?? 0)")
Second case not to show a default text, and not to draw object Text (paddings, modifiers associates)
if let workDuration != nil { Text("\(workDuration ?? 0)") }
Third more elegant as suggested by George, same as second option
if let workDuration = workDuration { Text("\(workDuration)") }
Four, following Rob Napier's comment, unwrapping your model
struct Workout {
var duration: Int?
var durationDescription : String {
"\(duration ?? 0)"
struct ContentView: View {
let workout = Workout(duration: 33) //sample
var body: some View {