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React changing song in playlist, useEffect hook dependency array

Problem Description

I am making a playlist player using Soundcloud API and encounter a problem when clicking on next/previous buttons to change to the next song. The initial song is fetched successfully using useEffect hook, but I don't know how to call this hook again when onClick() method is executed within next/previous buttons.

Currently, the play/pause button works correctly, but the next/previous buttons only work under some specific sequence of clicks involving { play/pause/previous/next } buttons. That is expected given that my useEffect hooks seem erroneous.

JSFiddle (Wasn't able to insert Stackoverflow JS/HTML/CSS widjet)

[-------- Working JSFiddle here !!---------]


import react, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
const SC = require('soundcloud');

  client_id: '1dff55bf515582dc759594dac5ba46e9'

const playlist = [

const playIcon = ' 
const pauseIcon = ' 
const prevIcon = '';
const nextIcon = '';

const musicFetch = (trackId) => {
   return'/tracks/' + trackId)
     .then(track => {
        return track;

const Playlist = () => {
   const [playState, setPlayState] = useState(false);
   const [track, setTrack] = useState<any>(null);
   const [playlistIndex, setPlaylistIndex] = useState(0);

    // use effect that fetches the initial song upong first render
    useEffect(() => {
        musicFetch(playlist[playlistIndex]).then((music) => {
          music.setVolume(0.025); //increase if you don't hear background sound
    }, [])
    // use effect that should fetch new song upon clicking next or previous button
    useEffect(() => {
        musicFetch(playlist[playlistIndex]).then((music) => {
          music.setVolume(0.2); //increase if you don't hear background sound
    }, [setPlayState, playlistIndex])
    const handleClick = async (direction) => {
        direction === 'play' ? await enableMusic() : await changeMusic(direction);
    const enableMusic = async () => {
        if (track) {
            playState ? await track.pause() : await;
    const changeMusic = async (direction) => {
            direction === 'next' ? await playlistIndex+1 : await playlistIndex-1
    return (
           <img src={prevIcon} 
                onClick={() => { handleClick('prev') }}
                height="100" width="100"/>
           <img src={!playState ? playIcon : pauseIcon } 
                onClick={() => { handleClick('play') }}
                height="100" width="100" >
           <img src={nextIcon}
                onClick={() => { handleClick('next') }}
                height="100" width="100"/>

export default Playlist;

Things I have tried

I have read about useEffect hook conditional dependency array, and tried to set in my useEffect hook any combination involving setPlaylistindex,playlistIndex, setTrack, but with no success. I have considered the useCallback hook but that doesn't seem to be the correct solution.

I tried to find a way to dismount and mount, such that the empty dependency useEffect hook is called upon request, I was able to design a forceUpdate() for that matter, but that didn't fix the problem either.

Does anyone know how I can fix this problem?


  • You need to wire the dependencies in your useEffect hook correctly.

    Have separate useEffect hooks to capture play/pause and play list index state changes. You can add dependency for track to the useEffect hook that handles play/pause state changes and remove any other useEffect hooks, including the one with empty dependency list.

    React.useEffect(async () => {
        const music = await musicFetch(playlist[playlistIndex]);
     }, [playlistIndex]);
     React.useEffect(async ()=>{
        playState ? await : await track.pause();
     }, [track, playState]);

    You can then refactor enableMusic method as follows

     const enableMusic = async () => {
            if (track) {