I have some images that I would like to crop but hopefully via command line rather than doing each one manually.
I would like to crop the image (I've cropped top half, desaturated other colours and split frames with ffmpeg) based on where there is a border of a certain color (#31393C in this case). For example, I would like this image:
to be cropped like this:
I have tried some commands but they aren't working for me unfortunately.
convert image.jpg -bordercolor "#31393C" -border 2x2 -fuzz 10% -trim output.jpg
I have also tried to make the parts that aren't #31393C to be filled with white and then cropping which may potentially work as a solution as I want to improve the ability to use OCR:
convert image.jpg -fill white -fuzz 11% +opaque "#31393c" result.jpg
convert result.jpg -bordercolor white -border 10x10 -fuzz 10% -trim output.jpg
Here is how you can do that using connected components processing in ImageMagick. I specify the color you want and a fuzz value for how much variation to allow. This assumes that you want the largest box of that color and it is larger than 500 pixels. This is Unix syntax. But similar code can be developed for Windows.
The -fuzz ... -fill ... +-opaque ... essentially thresholds on the desired color so that that color becomes white and the rest of the image becomes black.
The connected components arguments do the follow:
After that it pipes to grep to filter to keep only the white regions, i.e. gray(255) and then pipes to awk to select the bounding box from the listing.
bbox=`convert \
textbox.png \
-fuzz $fuzzval% \
-fill black +opaque "$color" \
-fill white -opaque "$color" \
-type bilevel \
-define connected-components:exclude-header=true \
-define connected-components:area-threshold=500 \
-define connected-components:keep-top=1 \
-define connected-components:verbose=true \
-define connected-components:mean-color=true \
-connected-components 8 null: | \
grep "gray(255)" | awk '{print $2}'`
echo "$bbox"
convert textbox.png -crop $bbox +repage textbox_crop.png
Cropped Result: