I am currently building ARIMA models in python and has come across this error which I dont really understand when looking through the error code. I am curious if it affects the parameters in the model and would really appreciate if someone could advice on the issue, probably suggest a fix.
A date index has been provided, but it has no associated frequency information and so will be ignored when e.g. forecasting.
The code in the error documentation in github goes as:
date_index = isinstance(index, (DatetimeIndex, PeriodIndex))
if date_index and not has_freq:
warnings.warn('A date index has been provided, but it has no'
' associated frequency information and so will be'
' ignored when e.g. forecasting.', ValueWarning)
Here is my dataframe. I have the date time set as my dataframe index.
Just to be clear, the code is still executable and the result summary can be printed.
This warning shows up when your date index does not have a frequency associated with it.You have not provided a defined frequency (like quarterly, monthly, etc associated with the data/time index.
What this warning means is that you cannot specify forecasting steps by dates, and the output of the forecast and get_forecast methods will not have associated dates. The reason is that without a given frequency, there is no way to determine what date each forecast should be assigned to. Try specifying a period like below:
df.index = pd.DatetimeIndex(df.index).to_period('M')
Read this page here for more details on the same. https://www.statsmodels.org/stable/examples/notebooks/generated/statespace_forecasting.html