I have data.
condition is: valid home count > 0 (valid home means deleted not true)
"_id": 998e58,
"home": [
"home_id": 433667,
"deleted": true
"home_id": 488742,
"deleted": ""
"home_id": 479331,
"deleted": true
"home_id": 481125,
"_id": 889g45,
"home": [
"home_id": 934456,
"deleted": true
"home_id": 978646,
"deleted": true
"_id": 998e58, it's total home count = 4, not valid home = 2, so valid home count is 4-2 = 2, it bigger than 0. --> match
"_id": 889g45, it's total home count = 2, not valid home = 2, so valid home count is 2-2 = 0, it equal 0. --> not match
so, if data match condition(means valid home count >0).
How can I use mongodb condtion to achieve my goal?
BTW, The number of my device may be tens of thousands, therefore if use unwind, groupby...
It may exceed the memory limit. ORZ.
I hope when I write command: db.colletion_name.find(...),
I will get data:
"_id": 998e58,
"home": [
"home_id": 488742,
"deleted": ""
"home_id": 481125,
first we use filter
to find all elements that deleted is not true
then we addFields
to add size of newHome array as number
and after that we match
doc with size > 0
and then project
to create expected output
$filter :{
numOfActive : {$size:"$newHome"}