I have few dropdowns on my page, with buttons opening and closing a dropdown. Everything goes well after initial page load, but after changing to a different page, the dropdown opens with a click, but never closes. It seems that button's aria-expanded
is stuck on true
and the dropped down div
has classes collapse open
, which tries to collapse but won't ever do it (clicking the button gives the div collapsing
class and then returns).
I have no idea why this happens and and if it's got to do with Liferay, freemarker, css or any of those...
This is my application display template:
<div id="a_language_selector">
<!-- CHANGE THIS -->
<@liferay.language key="EN" />
class="panel-collapse collapse"
<#if entries?has_content>
<#list entries as navigationEntry>
<li aria-label="${navigationEntry.getName()}">
<a href="${navigationEntry.getURL()}">
The answer was found and has to do with Liferay's own javascript (SennaJS)!
Changing a page in Liferay doesn't update the whole site and leaves old information lying around the session, breaking the collapsing.
I added this line to my portal-ext.properties
and while it now loads after all page changes, it works well!
More information found here (help.liferay.com)