How to use python to check whether there are unstaged/uncommitted change or unpushed commit in a git repo?
I only know the command line
git status
would tell
If I provide a root path such as ("C:/ProgramFiles") to the function, It will be better if the code could give a list, where each element is the
(path of this repos found under the root path, Unstaged/uncommited changes, Untracked files: , Latest commit is pushed)
You can use the GitPython package to help.
pip install GitPython
Then this script can give you a starting point:
from git import Repo
repo = Repo('.')
print(f"Unstaged/uncommited changes: {repo.is_dirty()}")
print(f"Untracked files: {len(repo.untracked_files)}")
remote = repo.remote('origin')
latest_remote_commit = remote.refs[].commit
latest_local_commit = repo.head.commit
print(f"Latest commit is pushed: {latest_local_commit == latest_remote_commit}")