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asp.netsql-server-2008ormdapper transaction problem

I'm trying to commit a transaction to my Sql Server 2008 database - firstly 2 insert's followed by a couple update's, however, as soon as it attempts to execute the first of the update's, I get the following error:

ExecuteNonQuery requires the command to have a transaction when the connection assigned to the command is in a pending local transaction. The Transaction property of the command has not been initialized.

Here's the code, edited slightly for brevity:

using (_cn)
    IDbTransaction transaction = _cn.BeginTransaction();
    topicId = (int)_cn.Query<decimal>(qAddTopic, new { pForumId = topic.ForumId }, transaction).Single();
    postId = (int)_cn.Query<decimal>(qAddPost, new { pTopicId = topicId }, transaction).Single();

    _cn.Execute(qUpdateForums, new { pLastPostId = postId });


The first 2 inserts work fine, but as soon as it tries to perform one of the updates, no joy.


  • I have found the problem - I was simply missing the transaction param when I was calling the updates, whereas with the previous inserts that were working fine, I had included the IDbTransaction param! My bad!


    Connection.Query<Entitiy>("sqlQuery",param: new { id= ID}, transaction: Transaction)