gives a quite verbose message
to console. For example:
> my_data = vroom::vroom("my_data.csv")
## Rows: 6,608
## Columns: 9
## Delimiter: ";"
## chr [2]: panel_rev, pcb_rev
## dbl [5]: panel_id, panel_type, work_order_lot_id, location_id, panel_number
## dttm [2]: marking_dt, created_dt
## Use `spec()` to retrieve the guessed column specification
## Pass a specification to the `col_types` argument to quiet this message
Is there a way to silence it other than my_data = suppressMessages(vroom::vroom("my_data.csv"))
or is this the preferred way?
Not sure if these are new features since this question was answered, but setting progress = FALSE
and the col_types = cols()
can be used to silence vroom::vroom
completely. The col_types = cols()
is common across most tidyverse
data loading functions:
my_data <- vroom::vroom("my_data.csv", progress = FALSE, col_types = cols())