This one is a tricky issue that bugs me quite a bit.
Essentially, I wrote an integration microservice that provides data streams from Binance crypto exchange using the Go client. A client sends a start messages, starts data stream for a symbol, and at some point, sends a close message to stop the stream. My implementation looks basically like this:
func (c BinanceClient) StartDataStream(clientType bn.ClientType, symbol, interval string) error {
switch clientType {
case bn.SPOT_LIVE:
wsKlineHandler := c.handlers.klineHandler.SpotKlineHandler
wsErrHandler := c.handlers.klineHandler.ErrHandler
_, stopC, err := binance.WsKlineServe(symbol, interval, wsKlineHandler, wsErrHandler)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
c.state.clientSymChanMap[clientType][symbol] = stopC
return nil
The clientSymChanMap stores the stopChannel in a nested hashmap so that I can retrieve the stop channel later to stop the data feed. The stop function has been implemented accordingly:
func (c BinanceClient) StopDataStream(clientType bn.ClientType, symbol string) {
//mtd := "StopDataStream: "
stopC := c.state.clientSymChanMap[clientType][symbol]
if isClosed(stopC) {
DbgPrint(" Channel is already closed. Do nothing for: " + symbol)
} else {
// Delete channel from the map otherwise the next StopAll throws a NPE due to closing a dead channel
delete(c.state.clientSymChanMap[clientType], symbol)
To prevent panics from already closed channels, I use a check function that returns true in case the channel is already close.
func isClosed(ch <-chan struct{}) bool {
select {
case <-ch:
return true
return false
Looks nice, but has a catch. When I run the code with starting data for just one symbol, it starts and closes the datafeed exactly as expected.
However, when starting multiple data feeds, then the above code somehow never closes the websocket and just keeps streaming data forever. Without the isClosed check, I get panics of trying to close a closed channel, but with the check in place, well, nothing gets closed.
When looking at the implementation of the above binance.WsKlineServe function, it's quite obvious that it just wraps a new websocket with each invocation and then returns the done & stop channel.
The documentation gives the following usage example:
wsKlineHandler := func(event *binance.WsKlineEvent) {
errHandler := func(err error) {
doneC, stopC, err := binance.WsKlineServe("LTCBTC", "1m", wsKlineHandler, errHandler)
if err != nil {
Because the doneC channel actually blocks, I removed it and thought that storing the stopC channel and then use it later to stop the datafeed would work. However, it only does so for one single instance. When multiple streams are open, this doesn't work anymore.
Any idea what that's the case and how to fix it?
Using channels for stopping a goroutine or closing something is very tricky. There are lots of things you can do wrong or forget to do.
abstracts that complexity away, making the code more readable and maintainable.
Some code snippets:
ctx, cancel := context.WitchCancel(context.TODO())
TheThingToCancel(ctx, ...)
// Whenever you want to stop TheThingToCancel. Can be called multiple times.
Then in a for loop you'd often have a select
like this:
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
// do stuff
Here some code that is closer to your specific case of an open connection:
func TheThingToCancel(ctx context.Context) (context.CancelFunc, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", ":12345")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
go func() {
_ = conn.Close()
go func() {
defer func() {
_ = conn.Close()
// make sure context is always cancelled to avoid goroutine leak
var bts = make([]byte, 1024)
for {
n, err := conn.Read(bts)
if err != nil {
return cancel, nil
It returns the cancel
function to be able to close it from the outside.
Cancelling a context can be done many times over without a panic
like would occur if a channel is closed multiple times. That is one advantage. Also you can derive contexts from other contexts and thereby close a lot of contexts that all stop different routines by closing a parent context. Carefully designed, this is very powerful for shutting down different routines belonging together that also need to be able to be shut down individually.