Is there any way to get a PagedResultList in grails without using criteria? I would like to avoid criteria as they are slightly more complex and make unit testing rather annoying. Code Below
def pagedResultList = MyDomainClass.createCriteria().list(max:10, offset:0)
{ order("id", "asc") }
//Below does not return pagedResultList
def aList = MyDomainClass.list(sort:"id", order:"asc", max:10, offset: 0)
is just used to wrap the results of Criteria-based queries (you can see its use in the source here). If you really want to use it, you could always just invoke the constructor directly, since it will handle any list. Of course the totalCount
property (which is probably what you are interested in) will then be unset.
If the idea is to get both the paged results list and the total number of results, I'm not aware of any magic that can get both in one query (even the use of PagedResultList
in the source linked above issues two queries).