I've read through various threads and the official documentation and yet I can't seem to stop this thread by hotkey. I need to right-click on the running code in vscodes output window and select stop code run.
Ctrl+C and Delete aren't stopping the code from running. Ideally, I'd like to know how to change the keypress to stop the code from running.
I use this in open CV and I was hoping to something similar with pyautogui.
if cv.waitKey(1) == ord('q'):
The loop I'm struggling with:
while True:
for image in image_list:
name = image
location = py.locateCenterOnScreen(image, confidence=0.9)
print(name + " Found at: " + str(location))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
I think the exception is "inside" the loop so it should be catching but nothing happens when I try and exit/break.
I was using Run Code not Run Python File in Terminal.
Run Code is provided by the extension Code Runner, which will only show results in OUTPUT and not accept input.