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XPath for parent's sibling descendants

I have the following HTML I need to scrape, but the only reliable handle is a stable description of a text field. From there, I need to go to its parent, find that parents next sibling and then get the descendents (unfortunately the data-automation-id selector repeats in every such iteration of this snippet on the site). I put together the below XPath but my RPA tool is unable to find it in the document.


div[contains(text(),'STABLE TEXT HANDLE')]/following-sibling::div/div/div/span[data-automation-id="SOMETHING"]


          <label>STABLE TEXT HANDLE</label>
                  <span data-automation-id="something">
                                  DYNAMIC TEXT I WANT TO SCRAPE
                  <span data-automation-id="somethingelse">
                                  DYNAMIC TEXT I WANT TO SCRAPE


After futher testing, it seems the issue starts with the contains(text(),'STABLE TEXT HANDLE'), which fails to find that particular node (be it the label, or its parent div).


  • Please try this:

    //label[contains(text(),'STABLE TEXT HANDLE')]/../..//span[@data-automation-id="something"]