I have an input where the user can enter a country and a city separated by a comma to a list of countries and cities. The list should then be displayed in a way that each city is listed under its country group.
I'm struggling to find the right way to construct my form.
form = this.fb.group({
newEntry: [],
cityToFind: [],
citiesList: this.fb.array([]),
get citiesListForm(): FormArray {
return this.form.get('citiesList') as FormArray;
get searchInput(): FormControl {
return this.form.get('cityToFind') as FormControl;
get newEntryFormControl(): FormControl {
return this.form.get('newEntry') as FormControl;
getCountryFormArray(country: string): FormArray {
return this.citiesListForm.get(country) as FormArray;
addCountrySection(country: string): void {
[country]: this.fb.array([]),
addCity(country: string, city: string): void {
ngOnInit(): void {
this.addCity('DE', 'Berlin');
console.log(this.getCountryFormArray('DE')); // This is returning null
Is the form structure correct? Can someone provide me with an example how to write the template.
The major problem with your approach is that you are mixing FormArrays
and FormGroups
Consider your desired structure
citiesList: [ // <--------FormArray
{ de: ["Berlin"] }, // <--------FormGroup
{ usa: [] }
So If I would like to access the "de" element I would need to do something like
So for the reactive form this would be form.get("citiesList").controls[0].get("de")
I have illustrated this in This stackblitz demo
This would work but I think a better approach would be to simply remove the outer array and have below
citiesList: {
de: ["Berlin"],
usa: []
With this you will be adding controls with country as property.
Another approach to consider may be to use the formArray like below
citiesList: [
{ country: "DE", cities: ["Berlin"] },
{ country: "USA", cities: [] },