I use Laravel Framework 8.54.0 and livewire. I want to call data for my dropdown form. But I get sqlstate error. Could anyone help me find a way to solve this issue?
class Item extends Model
protected $table = 'item';
protected $primaryKey = 'idx';
public $timestamps = false;
public const CREATED_AT = 'd_in';
public const UPDATED_AT = 'd_edit';
protected $connection = 'mysql2';
Livewire Controller:
$this->produk_ictn_row = Item::get();
<select disabled name="formkodeproduk" id="formkodeproduk" class="form-control @error('formkodeproduk') is-invalid @enderror" wire:model="produk_code">
@foreach($produk_ictn_row as $produk_ictn_row)
<option value="{{$produk_ictn_row->Kode}}">{{$produk_ictn_row->Kode}}</option>
it says you have more than 2100 records so the query should contain all of them in where query!!
Well in some sql serves like microsoft-sql the limit in sql parameter is 2100 , so you have 2 options:
first you can split your query to prevent this error... second you can split your table and do some parallel queries.