I'm coding a Polynom class in c++. In the following link, it is explained how to return several values using tuple : Returning multiple values from a C++ function
So I tried to code as indicated to return the quotient and the remainder of the polynomial division but it does not work.
Here is my division method :
tuple<Polynome, Polynome> division(Polynome& D)
Polynome Q;
Polynome R(*this);
Polynome nul;
int delta(degre() - D.degre());
float a;
while (delta >= 0 && R != nul)
a = R.top() / D.top();
Polynome nouveauPoly(a, delta);
Q = Q + nouveauPoly;
R = R - nouveauPoly * D;
delta = R.degre() - D.degre();
return {Q, R};
Then, when I do as indicated in the link above and begin to code my own operator :
Polynome operator/(Polynome& D)
auto [Q, R] = division(D);
I get an error telling me Q should be constant value. I don't understand why Q should be so, and where the error come from, especially regarding that this code comes from a top answer in stackoverflow. I tried to first declare the polynomes Q and R but it did not change anything.
Ultimately I found a way to achieve what I wanted using tuples, but I'm still wanting to know exactly why the indicated answer did not work for me.
Thank you very much
It might be that Structured Binding does not work with your compiler version (or the C++ version option). That requires C++17.
If you can't go for C++17, you might want to try out older ways to do this:
Instead of
auto [Q, R] = division(D);
Polynome Q, R;
std::tie(Q, R) = division(D);
(This requires #include <tuple>
, but I assume that is included already anyway.)