I'm using SplitView Component inside another component, but styles - --cx-active-view:2; --cx-view-position:0; are not getting applied on cx-split-view and cx-view. Below are the code snippets for the same -
<cx-view class="card">
<div class="header">
<div class="title-bar>
<cx-split-view [hideMode]="false">
<cx-table></cx-table> // using TableComponent inside split view.
As a result, it doesn't show another component inside the browser. If manually add styles in cx-split-view and cx-view(Dev tools -> elements), then it starts showing the second component.
**Already imported SplitViewModule in both the components.
Fixed this by adding below key in tsconfig.json file -
"angularCompilerOptions": {
"enableIvy": true
required for style attributing - https://angular.io/guide/ivy