I'm writing some unit tests to check if my-module
loads correctly a user-land module external-module
const myMod = require('my-module')
myMod( { load: 'external-module' } )
Right now I'm having the error:
Your application tried to access transport, but it isn't declared in your dependencies; this makes the require call ambiguous and unsound. Required package: transport Required by: /Users/mspigolon/workspace/pino/test/ Require stack: - /Users/mspigolon/workspace/pino/test/transport.test.js
This is loud and clear because of the test that creates at runtime the dependency in the node_modules
folder and it is not processed by yarn
during the installation phase.
await symlink(
join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'transport'),
join(__dirname, '..', 'node_modules', 'transport')
I cannot find a way to say to yarn@3.0.1
to do the fallback to the filesystem.
I read about the PnPApi but I did not figure out how to use them to load this dependency created at runtime. Could you help me? Is it the right choice or do you see a better way?
I have tried the pnpIgnorePatterns option too, but it ignore the whole file, not just one single require
Another solution would be to publish the test-transport-module
and install it in my opinion, but I would avoid it.
My yarnrc
is quite straightforward:
yarnPath: ".yarn/releases/yarn-berry.cjs"
nodeLinker: pnp
pnpMode: loose
Do you have any tips?
The best solution is to install the dependency within the link:
yarn add --dev transport@link:./test/fixtures/transport