I've seen many similar posts but the vast majority of them are at least 3 years old and I'm not really sure they apply to my situations, so here we go.
A colleague asked for my help on a multiple t-test on her project.
Basically she has 20 observation x 30 variable dataframe that looks like this: | Group | Lipid 1 | Lipid 2 | ... | Lipid 28|
| -------- | -------------- |
| A | |B | | | |B |
What we want to do is a group comparison of each lipide (meaning a t-test for Lipide 1 between group A and B, then a t-test for Lipide 2 and so on).
We do not want to compare Lipids between them.
And of course, we'd like to not have to copy/paste the same 3 lines of code, especially since we've got 2 other dataframe with the same variable but different conditions.
I've tried one solution I saw in here but it gives me an error I'm not sure to understand:
sapply(foetal[,2:20], function(i) t.test(i ~ foetal$ID))
Error in if (stderr < 10 * .Machine$double.eps * max(abs(mx), abs(my))) stop("data are essentially constant") : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed In addition: Warning messages: 1: In mean.default(x) : l'argument n'est ni numérique, ni logique : renvoi de NA 2: In var(x) : NAs introduced by coercion 3: In mean.default(y) : l'argument n'est ni numérique, ni logique : renvoi de NA 4: In var(y) : Error in if (stderr < 10 * .Machine$double.eps * max(abs(mx), abs(my))) stop("data are essentially constant") : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Another solution I saw would by to use the gather function to get one column with the Lipids, one column for the value of each Lipids, then create a list column, spread the dataframe and mutate a new-column containing the p-value of the t-test.
tips %>%
select(tip, total_bill, sex) %>%
gather(key = variable, value = value, -sex) %>%
group_by(sex, variable) %>%
summarise(value = list(value)) %>%
spread(sex, value) %>%
group_by(variable) %>%
mutate(p_value = t.test(unlist(Female), unlist(Male))$p.value,
t_value = t.test(unlist(Female), unlist(Male))$statistic)
I'm honestly not sure what to do. Does anyone have tips or anything?
Here's the dput() for the data.... Not really sure why it's necessary though...
structure(list(ID = c("A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A",
"A", "A", "B", "B", "B", "B", "B", "B", "B", "B", "B", "B"),
Lipid.1 = c(0.737, 0.419, 0.468, 0.805, 1.036, 0.825, 0.286,
1.166, 0.898, 0.504, 1.433, 0.41, 0.325, 0.866, 0.337, 0.876,
0.636, 0.953, 0.481, 0.602), Lipid.2 = c(0.001, 0.017, 0.013,
0.025, 0.018, 0.003, 0.007, NA, 0.01, 0.002, 0.01, 0.022,
0.005, NA, 0.018, NA, 0.015, 0.016, NA, 0.01), Lipid.3 = c(0.035,
0.018, 0.036, 0.024, 0.023, 0.027, 0.036, 0.037, 0.013, 0.037,
0.03, 0.04, 0.038, 0.033, 0.016, 0.034, 0.029, 0.033, 0.018,
0.029), Lipid.4 = c(NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_), Lipid.5 = c(0.09,
0.099, 0.12, 0.058, 0.136, 0.103, 0.153, 0.148, 0.047, 0.085,
0.098, 0.133, 0.099, 0.121, 0.084, 0.065, 0.11, 0.088, 0.065,
0.043), Lipid.6 = c(0.39, 0.555, 0.568, 0.6, 0.626, 0.378,
0.657, 0.57, 0.271, 0.41, 0.474, 0.617, 0.491, 0.738, 0.459,
0.365, 0.499, 0.388, 0.271, 0.275), Lipid.7 = c(NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_), Lipid.8 = c(0.186, 0.197, 0.191, 0.125, 0.209,
0.107, 0.174, 0.143, 0.055, 0.134, 0.148, 0.193, 0.184, 0.213,
0.134, 0.085, 0.165, 0.215, 0.163, 0.061), Lipid.9 = c(NA,
NA, NA, NA, "0,007"), Lipid.10 = c("0,242", "0,254", "0,134",
"0,226", "0,243", "0,122", "0,082", "0,119", "0,098", "0,093",
"0,27", "0,284", "0,258", "0,236", "0,173", "0,106", "0,138",
"0,066", "0,072", "0,081"), Lipid.11 = c("0,053", "0,114",
"0,038", "0,094", "0,073", "0,067", "0,028", "0,022", "0,021",
"0,05", "0,085", "0,102", "0,122", "0,096", "0,027", "0,03",
NA, "0,078", "0,066", NA), Lipid.12 = c(0.223, 0.261, 0.258,
0.212, 0.168, 0.101, 0.191, 0.09, 0.195, 0.082, 0.155, 0.2,
0.167, 0.231, 0.145, 0.089, 0.239, 0.141, 0.106, 0.124),
Lipid.13 = c(0.737, 0.763, 0.707, 0.587, 0.545, 0.317, 0.74,
0.602, 0.481, 0.531, 0.632, 0.448, 0.62, 0.766, 0.397, 0.623,
0.997, 0.578, 0.418, 0.412), Lipid.14 = c(0.683, 0.666, 0.507,
0.366, 0.443, 0.266, 0.493, 0.345, 0.368, 0.355, 0.432, 0.411,
0.491, 0.565, 0.357, 0.285, 0.604, 0.426, 0.538, 0.295),
Lipid.15 = c(0.911, 1.017, 0.503, 0.76, 0.741, 0.486, 0.648,
0.581, 0.955, 0.515, 0.932, 0.707, 0.626, 0.928, 0.836, 0.537,
0.654, 0.351, 0.498, 0.529), Lipid.16 = c(0.148, 0.116, 0.069,
0.104, 0.091, 0.064, 0.093, 0.123, 0.11, 0.097, 0.283, 0.076,
0.095, 0.194, 0.06, 0.061, 0.086, 0.051, 0.064, 0.059), Lipid.17 = c("0,155",
"0,274", "0,149", "0,127", "0,174", "nd", "0,109", "0,134",
"0,1", "0,09", "0,25", "0,112", "0,088", "0,243", "0,092",
"0,073", "0,153", "0,12", "0,14", "0,06"), Lipid.18 = c(3.143,
3.441, 4.359, 1.945, 2.573, 2.267, 3.585, 3.405, 2.296, 1.998,
3.468, 2.98, 3.626, 3.635, 3.236, 2.092, 2.586, 2.08, 1.718,
1.736), Lipid.19 = c(37.993, 36.148, 40.244, 30.395, 37.339,
35.742, 47.316, 47.555, 34.351, 32.377, 38.694, 39.413, 36.114,
41.235, 32.779, 32.222, 36.418, 36.918, 33.334, 31.421),
Lipid.20 = c(6.613, 5.913, 9.662, 3.789, 7.485, 6.297, 8.254,
8.07, 4.905, 5.686, 7.742, 7.533, 6.875, 7.908, 7.022, 5.446,
6.1, 6.782, 6.062, 6.089), Lipid.21 = c(7.235, 6.759, 8.331,
4.931, 6.558, 4.186, 5.99, 5.629, 3.066, 3.439, 7.102, 7.655,
6.606, 7.858, 5.804, 3.135, 3.218, 3.639, 2.975, 3.13), Lipid.22 = c(6.453,
6.664, 9.048, 4.341, 8.03, 7.599, 10.24, 10.954, 5.873, 6.687,
8.005, 8.908, 6.708, 8.06, 5.931, 6.083, 5.734, 5.587, 5.388,
6.088), Lipid.23 = c(4.943, 3.164, 5.153, 2.51, 4.071, 5.255,
7.636, 8.376, 4.726, 5.56, 4.762, 5.044, 4.549, 4.875, 4.57,
5.147, 4.396, 4.031, 3.556, 4.38), Lipid.24 = c(3.973, 4.279,
5.928, 3.066, 4.95, 4.667, 7.949, 7.268, 4.948, 3.72, 5.137,
5.539, 4.006, 5.276, 3.909, 4.163, 4.954, 5.02, 3.961, 4.201
), Lipid.25 = c(7.638, 5.224, 8.417, 3.902, 7.267, 6.007,
8.256, 7.457, 4.801, 4.86, 7.581, 8.173, 7.57, 8.591, 7.482,
5.091, 5.651, 6.577, 5.415, 5.76), Lipid.26 = c(10.225, 8.293,
13.188, 5.607, 10.993, 4.491, 5.767, 5.011, 3.589, 3.145,
11.471, 12.183, 9.686, 12.562, 9.697, 3.34, 4.186, 4.485,
3.23, 4.229), Lipid.27 = c(5.848, 4.856, 6.503, 3.534, 5.358,
8.933, 14.034, 12.806, 7.781, 8.094, 6.765, 6.867, 5.539,
7.772, 5.883, 7.832, 8.607, 7.586, 6.628, 7.563), Lipid.28 = c(32.941,
30.579, 31.358, 15.861, 30.353, 25.222, 35.662, 34.035, 20.338,
24.682, 30.698, 34.024, 31.608, 37.539, 24.901, 20.131, 23.126,
30.803, 25.639, 18.935)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
If you would like to have the full t-test output, you could just loop over the columns:
If we start with your df:
data <- structure(list(ID = c("A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A",
"A", "A", "B", "B", "B", "B", "B", "B", "B", "B", "B", "B"),
Lipid.1 = c(0.737, 0.419, 0.468, 0.805, 1.036, 0.825, 0.286,
1.166, 0.898, 0.504, 1.433, 0.41, 0.325, 0.866, 0.337, 0.876,
0.636, 0.953, 0.481, 0.602), Lipid.2 = c(0.001, 0.017, 0.013,
0.025, 0.018, 0.003, 0.007, NA, 0.01, 0.002, 0.01, 0.022,
0.005, NA, 0.018, NA, 0.015, 0.016, NA, 0.01), Lipid.3 = c(0.035,
0.018, 0.036, 0.024, 0.023, 0.027, 0.036, 0.037, 0.013, 0.037,
0.03, 0.04, 0.038, 0.033, 0.016, 0.034, 0.029, 0.033, 0.018,
0.029), Lipid.4 = c(NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_), Lipid.5 = c(0.09,
0.099, 0.12, 0.058, 0.136, 0.103, 0.153, 0.148, 0.047, 0.085,
0.098, 0.133, 0.099, 0.121, 0.084, 0.065, 0.11, 0.088, 0.065,
0.043), Lipid.6 = c(0.39, 0.555, 0.568, 0.6, 0.626, 0.378,
0.657, 0.57, 0.271, 0.41, 0.474, 0.617, 0.491, 0.738, 0.459,
0.365, 0.499, 0.388, 0.271, 0.275), Lipid.7 = c(NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_), Lipid.8 = c(0.186, 0.197, 0.191, 0.125, 0.209,
0.107, 0.174, 0.143, 0.055, 0.134, 0.148, 0.193, 0.184, 0.213,
0.134, 0.085, 0.165, 0.215, 0.163, 0.061), Lipid.9 = c(NA,
NA, NA, NA, "0,007"), Lipid.10 = c("0,242", "0,254", "0,134",
"0,226", "0,243", "0,122", "0,082", "0,119", "0,098", "0,093",
"0,27", "0,284", "0,258", "0,236", "0,173", "0,106", "0,138",
"0,066", "0,072", "0,081"), Lipid.11 = c("0,053", "0,114",
"0,038", "0,094", "0,073", "0,067", "0,028", "0,022", "0,021",
"0,05", "0,085", "0,102", "0,122", "0,096", "0,027", "0,03",
NA, "0,078", "0,066", NA), Lipid.12 = c(0.223, 0.261, 0.258,
0.212, 0.168, 0.101, 0.191, 0.09, 0.195, 0.082, 0.155, 0.2,
0.167, 0.231, 0.145, 0.089, 0.239, 0.141, 0.106, 0.124),
Lipid.13 = c(0.737, 0.763, 0.707, 0.587, 0.545, 0.317, 0.74,
0.602, 0.481, 0.531, 0.632, 0.448, 0.62, 0.766, 0.397, 0.623,
0.997, 0.578, 0.418, 0.412), Lipid.14 = c(0.683, 0.666, 0.507,
0.366, 0.443, 0.266, 0.493, 0.345, 0.368, 0.355, 0.432, 0.411,
0.491, 0.565, 0.357, 0.285, 0.604, 0.426, 0.538, 0.295),
Lipid.15 = c(0.911, 1.017, 0.503, 0.76, 0.741, 0.486, 0.648,
0.581, 0.955, 0.515, 0.932, 0.707, 0.626, 0.928, 0.836, 0.537,
0.654, 0.351, 0.498, 0.529), Lipid.16 = c(0.148, 0.116, 0.069,
0.104, 0.091, 0.064, 0.093, 0.123, 0.11, 0.097, 0.283, 0.076,
0.095, 0.194, 0.06, 0.061, 0.086, 0.051, 0.064, 0.059), Lipid.17 = c("0,155",
"0,274", "0,149", "0,127", "0,174", "nd", "0,109", "0,134",
"0,1", "0,09", "0,25", "0,112", "0,088", "0,243", "0,092",
"0,073", "0,153", "0,12", "0,14", "0,06"), Lipid.18 = c(3.143,
3.441, 4.359, 1.945, 2.573, 2.267, 3.585, 3.405, 2.296, 1.998,
3.468, 2.98, 3.626, 3.635, 3.236, 2.092, 2.586, 2.08, 1.718,
1.736), Lipid.19 = c(37.993, 36.148, 40.244, 30.395, 37.339,
35.742, 47.316, 47.555, 34.351, 32.377, 38.694, 39.413, 36.114,
41.235, 32.779, 32.222, 36.418, 36.918, 33.334, 31.421),
Lipid.20 = c(6.613, 5.913, 9.662, 3.789, 7.485, 6.297, 8.254,
8.07, 4.905, 5.686, 7.742, 7.533, 6.875, 7.908, 7.022, 5.446,
6.1, 6.782, 6.062, 6.089), Lipid.21 = c(7.235, 6.759, 8.331,
4.931, 6.558, 4.186, 5.99, 5.629, 3.066, 3.439, 7.102, 7.655,
6.606, 7.858, 5.804, 3.135, 3.218, 3.639, 2.975, 3.13), Lipid.22 = c(6.453,
6.664, 9.048, 4.341, 8.03, 7.599, 10.24, 10.954, 5.873, 6.687,
8.005, 8.908, 6.708, 8.06, 5.931, 6.083, 5.734, 5.587, 5.388,
6.088), Lipid.23 = c(4.943, 3.164, 5.153, 2.51, 4.071, 5.255,
7.636, 8.376, 4.726, 5.56, 4.762, 5.044, 4.549, 4.875, 4.57,
5.147, 4.396, 4.031, 3.556, 4.38), Lipid.24 = c(3.973, 4.279,
5.928, 3.066, 4.95, 4.667, 7.949, 7.268, 4.948, 3.72, 5.137,
5.539, 4.006, 5.276, 3.909, 4.163, 4.954, 5.02, 3.961, 4.201
), Lipid.25 = c(7.638, 5.224, 8.417, 3.902, 7.267, 6.007,
8.256, 7.457, 4.801, 4.86, 7.581, 8.173, 7.57, 8.591, 7.482,
5.091, 5.651, 6.577, 5.415, 5.76), Lipid.26 = c(10.225, 8.293,
13.188, 5.607, 10.993, 4.491, 5.767, 5.011, 3.589, 3.145,
11.471, 12.183, 9.686, 12.562, 9.697, 3.34, 4.186, 4.485,
3.23, 4.229), Lipid.27 = c(5.848, 4.856, 6.503, 3.534, 5.358,
8.933, 14.034, 12.806, 7.781, 8.094, 6.765, 6.867, 5.539,
7.772, 5.883, 7.832, 8.607, 7.586, 6.628, 7.563), Lipid.28 = c(32.941,
30.579, 31.358, 15.861, 30.353, 25.222, 35.662, 34.035, 20.338,
24.682, 30.698, 34.024, 31.608, 37.539, 24.901, 20.131, 23.126,
30.803, 25.639, 18.935)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
clean up a the df:
# remove the columns which only contain NA:
data$Lipid.4 <- NULL
data$Lipid.7 <- NULL
data$Lipid.9 <- NULL
# convert from string to numeric (I do it now manually with each column. You could use a for-loop)
data$Lipid.10 <- gsub(",", ".", data$Lipid.10) # convert comma to dot
data$Lipid.10 <- as.numeric(data$Lipid.10) # convert from string to numeric
data$Lipid.11 <- gsub(",", ".", data$Lipid.11)
data$Lipid.11 <- as.numeric(data$Lipid.11)
data$Lipid.17 <- gsub(",", ".", data$Lipid.17)
data$Lipid.17 <- as.numeric(data$Lipid.17)
# get the lipid column names
all_lipids <- colnames(data)
all_lipids <- all_lipids[all_lipids != "ID"] # we don't need the ID column for the loop
# now loop over each column an perform a t-test
for (column in all_lipids) {
print(t.test(data[,column] ~ data$ID))
You get for each lipid:
[1] "Lipid.1"
Welch Two Sample t-test
data: data[, column] by data$ID
t = 0.15843, df = 17.391, p-value = 0.8759
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
-0.2766112 0.3216112
sample estimates:
mean in group A mean in group B
0.7144 0.6919
And just a final coment: you perform a lot of comparisons. You may consider to correct for multiple testing.