I'm getting the following error in my react application using enigma.js (https://qlik.dev/apis/javascript/enigmajs) . I'm trying to initialize a WebSocket connection and im getting the error. "Failed to construct 'WebSocket': The subprotocol '[object Object]' is invalid".
The WebSocket connection URL is correct as it can be tested with https://catwalk.core.qlik.com/?engine_url=wss://sense-demo.qlik.com/app/133dab5d-8f56-4d40-b3e0-a6b401391bde which returns the data. You can try by editing the URL which will return an error.
the code is
async init() {
const appId = "133dab5d-8f56-4d40-b3e0-a6b401391bde";
const url =
const session = enigma.create({
createSocket: () =>
new WebSocket(url, {
const global = await session.open();
const app = await global.openDoc(appId);
const appLayout = await app.getAppLayout();
The solution is explained here