I have an output which contains something like this in the middle.
Stopping criterion = max iterations
Energy initial, next-to-last, final =
-83909.5503696 -86748.8150981 -86748.8512012
What I am trying to do is to print out the last value(3rd column) in line after the line which contains the string "Energy" to a different file. and I have to print out these values from 100 different files. currently I have been trying with this line which only looks at a single file.
awk -F: '/Energy/ { getline; print $0 }' inputfile > outputfile
but this gives output like:
-83909.5503696 -86748.8150981 -86748.8512012
Update - With the help of a suggestion below I was able to output the value to a file. but as it reads through different files it overwrites the final output file and prints out value of the final file that it read. What I tried was this,
#SBATCH --array=1-100
fold=$(printf '%03d' $num)
cd $main_path/surf_$fold
awk 'f{print $3; f=0} /Energy/{f=1}' inputfile > outputfile
This would not be an appropriate job for getline, see http://awk.freeshell.org/AllAboutGetline, and idk why you're setting FS to :
with -F:
when your fields are space-separated as awk assumes by default.
Here's how to do what I think you're trying to do with 1 call to awk:
awk 'f{print $3; f=0} /Energy/{f=1}' "$main_path/surf_"*"/inputfile > outputfile