Is there a shorthand in Python for (e.g.) print(f'type(var) = {type(var)}')
, without having to state the object in the text and the {.}
The short answer may be "no", but I had to ask!
E.g. in SAS one may use &=
to output a macro variable and its value to the log...
%let macrovar = foobar;
%put &=macrovar;
which returns in the log: MACROVAR = foobar
This is my first question, and I found it difficult to search for an answer, so apologies if it's been asked and answered.
Indeed there is. As of python 3.8, you can simply type f'{type(var)=}'
, and you will get the output you desire:
>>> x = {}
>>> f'{x=}'
>>> f'{type(x)=}'
"type(x)=<class 'dict'>"
Further reading: