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How could I load a page with parameter?

I'm working on a blog project(learning course) which shows the bills of trains and comments associated. It's working with GET parameters.

I made every improvments ask by the professor except the one where I have to load the blog with parameters on url. There below you have a screenshot it's show undefined index and it's fine but I don't know how to load it with parameters :

Cpt1: Cpt1

I try with include but I don't have others file to load with I made all improvments in same page and with empty fonction() too but after I don't know how to make it ( I'm beginner).

I'm not asking the answer but If you have any hint to help to deal with or If it's too complex give me an explanation please ! ( Sorry for If my english is bad I'm not native one)

The code :

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
    <h1>Mon super Blog !</h1>
    <p>Derniers billets du blog : </p>

    <!-- NEWS -->
    <div class="news">
        $recuperation_titre_du_billets_et_contenu = $bdd->query("SELECT Id,Titre,Contenu,DATE_FORMAT(Date_creation,'%d/%m/%Y à %H:%i') AS date_affiché FROM billets LIMIT 0,4");
        while($données = $recuperation_titre_du_billets_et_contenu->fetch())
            echo "<h3>".htmlspecialchars($données['Titre'])." le ".htmlspecialchars($données['date_affiché'])."</h3>";
                <?php echo htmlspecialchars($données['Contenu']);
            <a href="commentaires.php?Id_billet=<? echo $données['Id']?>&amp;page_commentaire=1">Commentaires</a>

<!-- FIN NEWS -->

<!-- NEWS2 -->

<div class="news2">
                    $billetsdelapage2 = $bdd->prepare("SELECT Id,Titre,Contenu,DATE_FORMAT(Date_creation,'%d/%m/%Y à %H:%i') AS date_affiché FROM billets LIMIT 4,4");
                    if(isset($_GET['page']) == 2)
                        while($data = $billetsdelapage2->fetch())
                            echo "<h3>".htmlspecialchars($data['Titre'])." le ".htmlspecialchars($data['date_affiché'])."</h3>";
                                          <?php echo htmlspecialchars($data['Contenu']);
                                                <a href="commentaires.php?Id_billet=<? echo $data['Id'];?>">Commentaires</a>


                                <!-- FIN NEWS2 -->  

                                <!-- NEWS3 -->
                                <div class="news3">
                    $billetsdelapage3 = $bdd->prepare("SELECT Id,Titre,Contenu,DATE_FORMAT(Date_creation,'%d/%m/%Y à %H:%i') AS date_affiché FROM billets LIMIT 8,12");
                    if(isset($_GET['page']) AND ($_GET['page'] != 2 ))
                        while($data = $billetsdelapage3->fetch())
                            echo "<h3>".htmlspecialchars($data['Titre'])." le ".htmlspecialchars($data['date_affiché'])."</h3>";
                                          <?php echo htmlspecialchars($data['Contenu']);
                        <a href="commentaires.php?Id_billet=<? echo $data['Id']?>">Commentaires</a>

                                <!-- FIN NEWS3 -->
                            <div class="pagination">
                                <!-- Petite erreur qui sera rectifié plus tard vis à vis des numéros de page  ! -->
                                <a href="index.php">1</a>
                                <a href="index.php?page=2">2</a>
                                <a href="index.php?page=3">3</a>



  • If what you want is to get a parameter from the URL like:


    Then using something like this should work.

    if (isset($_GET['page'])){ //check to see if 'page' is set.
    $pageNo= $_GET['page']; //then set a variable equal to the parameter.