I want to mock a function imported to the tested class. When this function is called during testing I just want a fixture to be returned. But in my setup, the actual imported function in MyClass is still called instead of just passing 'mocked value' as a result of this call. How do I fix this?
from api.methods import get_sth
class MyClass:
def __init__(self):
self.sth = get_sth()
return 'mocked value'
from get_sth_test import get_sth_mock_test
from MyClass import MyClass
@mock.patch('MyClass.get_sth', return_value=get_sth_mock_test)
def test_MyClass(get_sth_mock):
instance = MyClass()
Corrections on your code
Remove fixture decorator @pytest.fixture
because you are just using it as an ordinary function.
def get_sth_mock_test():
return 'mocked value'
Replace the patching to
@mock.patch('MyClass.get_sth', return_value=get_sth_mock_test()) # Notice the suffix "()" to invoke the function and return its value.
@mock.patch('MyClass.get_sth', side_effect=get_sth_mock_test)
It worked on my side after resolving this files. I added print(instance.sth)
in the test_MyClass
and it correctly displayed mocked value