I added a startup-script entry in the metadatas of my google cloud instance as suggested in the doc here the question Google Compute Engine - Start tmux with startup-script didn't work for me. my startup-script code is:
#! /bin/bash
tmux start-server
tmux new -d -s data_vis_pfs 'pachctl mount /var/data_vis/pfs'
tmux new -d -s data_vis_server 'cd /var/data_vis/server/ && python ./index.py'
tmux new -d -s data_vis_client 'cd /var/data_vis/client/ && npx serve -l 3001 -s build'
I also tried :
#! /bin/bash
tmux start \; \
new -d -s data_vis_pfs 'pachctl mount /var/data_vis/pfs' \; \
new -d -s data_vis_server 'cd /var/data_vis/server/ && python ./index.py' \; \
new -d -s data_vis_client 'cd /var/data_vis/client/ && npx serve -l 3001 -s build'
When I do sudo journalctl -u google-startup-scripts.service
; after the machine boots up I get:
Aug 24 12:20:40 work1-cpu systemd[1]: Starting Google Compute Engine Startup Scripts...
Aug 24 12:20:42 work1-cpu GCEMetadataScripts[506]: 2021/08/24 12:20:42 GCEMetadataScripts: Starting startup scripts (version 20201214.00).
Aug 24 12:20:42 work1-cpu GCEMetadataScripts[506]: 2021/08/24 12:20:42 GCEMetadataScripts: Found startup-script in metadata.
Aug 24 12:20:42 work1-cpu GCEMetadataScripts[506]: 2021/08/24 12:20:42 GCEMetadataScripts: startup-script exit status 0
Aug 24 12:20:42 work1-cpu GCEMetadataScripts[506]: 2021/08/24 12:20:42 GCEMetadataScripts: Finished running startup scripts.
Aug 24 12:20:42 work1-cpu systemd[1]: google-startup-scripts.service: Succeeded.
Aug 24 12:20:42 work1-cpu systemd[1]: Started Google Compute Engine Startup Scripts.
so it's supposed to be a win (status 0)
But my code doesn't seems to be active (the python server is not launched, the front and the pachctl mount neither). A top
command doesn't show them too.
I know I am not supposed to see the sessions as it is ran by root
and I could fix that through Socket but I don't care for the moment: I just need the code to be launched.
Do someone have a clue about what I am missing?
There were various errors. Thanks to Wojtek_B for his detailed answer which led me to the way.
1 - First problem : dependencies
I had to install at the start of the script all the needed dependencies, in my case :
1.1 - system :
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y tmux pachctl nodejs npm python3-setuptools python3.7-dev
1.2 - python :
python3 -m pip install {all packages here....}
the list of packages to install was retrieved thanks to a pip3 list
when logged
note the python3 -m pip
instead of simply pip
or pip3
. This is used if there is a python 2.x in the machine gcloud use 2.x by default and thus this install doesn't work (event pip3 install). Anyway this python3 -m pip install ...
works I would advise that.
1.3 - node
npm install -g npx
2 - Tmux :
tmux start \; \
new -d -s sleep 'sleep 1'\; \
new -d -s data_vis_pfs 'export KUBECONFIG=/var/data_vis/.kub/config && gcloud auth activate-service-account pfsmounter@{PROJECT}.iam.gserviceaccount.com --key-file=/var/data_vis/sa_cred.json &>> /tmp/pfs_log.txt && gcloud container clusters get-credentials {CLUSTER_NAME} --zone={ZONE_NAME} &>> /tmp/pfs_log.txt && kubectl config current-context &>> /tmp/pfs_log.txt && pachctl list repo && pachctl mount /var/data_vis/pfs --verbose &>> /tmp/pfs_log.txt' \; \
new -d -s data_vis_server 'sleep 1 && ls /var/data_vis/pfs/ &>> /tmp/debug1.txt && cd /var/data_vis/server/ && python3 ./index.py &>> /tmp/server_log.txt' \; \
new -d -s data_vis_client 'cd /var/data_vis/client/ && npx serve -l 3001 -s build &>> /tmp/client_log.txt'
(find them through gcloud container clusters list
) and {PROJECT}
to replace by your own values. I had to manualy do export KUBECONFIG=/var/data_vis/.kub/config
otherwise it would fail in the tmux session (although was working in main thread)final code :
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y tmux pachctl nodejs npm python3-setuptools python3.7-dev
python3 -m pip install adal aiohttp ansiwrap anyio appdirs argcomplete argon2-cffi arrow asn1crypto async-generator async-timeout attrs backcall backports.functools-lru-cache bidict binaryornot black bleach blinker blis bokeh boto boto3 botocore brotlipy bz2file cachetools catalogue certifi cffi chardet charset-normalizer click cloudpickle colorama colorcet confuse cookiecutter cryptography cycler cymem dask datashader datashape debugpy decorator defusedxml distributed docker docker-pycreds entrypoints fastai fastcore fastprogress Flask Flask-Cors Flask-SocketIO fsspec gcsfs gitdb GitPython google-api-core google-api-python-client google-auth google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib google-cloud-bigquery google-cloud-bigquery-storage google-cloud-bigtable google-cloud-core google-cloud-dataproc google-cloud-datastore google-cloud-firestore google-cloud-kms google-cloud-language google-cloud-logging google-cloud-monitoring google-cloud-pubsub google-cloud-scheduler google-cloud-spanner google-cloud-speech google-cloud-storage google-cloud-tasks google-cloud-translate google-cloud-videointelligence google-cloud-vision google-crc32c google-resumable-media googleapis-common-protos grpc-google-iam-v1 grpcio grpcio-gcp h11 HeapDict holoviews htmlmin httplib2 idna ImageHash imageio importlib-metadata ipykernel ipython ipython-genutils ipython-sql ipywidgets itsdangerous jedi Jinja2 jinja2-time jmespath joblib json5 jsonschema jupyter-client jupyter-core jupyter-http-over-ws jupyterlab jupyterlab-git jupyterlab-pygments jupyterlab-server jupyterlab-widgets kiwisolver kubernetes llvmlite locket loguru Markdown MarkupSafe matplotlib matplotlib-inline missingno mistune msgpack multidict multimethod multipledispatch murmurhash mypy-extensions nbclient nbconvert nbdime nbformat nest-asyncio networkx numba numpy oauthlib olefile packaging pandas pandas-profiling pandocfilters panel papermill param parso partd pathspec pathy patsy pexpect phik pickleshare Pillow pip poyo preshed prettytable prometheus-client prompt-toolkit protobuf psutil ptyprocess pyarrow pyasn1 pyasn1-modules pycosat pycparser pyct pydantic Pygments PyJWT pynndescent pyOpenSSL pyparsing pyrsistent PySocks python-dateutil python-engineio python-pachyderm python-slugify python-socketio pytz pyviz-comms PyWavelets PyYAML pyzmq rawpy regex requests requests-oauthlib requests-unixsocket retrying rope rsa ruamel.yaml ruamel.yaml.clib s3transfer scikit-image scikit-learn scipy seaborn Send2Trash setuptools shellingham simple-websocket simplejson six smart-open smmap sniffio sortedcontainers spacy spacy-legacy SQLAlchemy sqlparse srsly statsmodels tangled-up-in-unicode tblib tenacity terminado testpath text-unidecode textwrap3 thinc threadpoolctl tifffile toml tomli toolz torch torchvision tornado tqdm traitlets typed-ast typeguard typer typing-extensions umap-learn umap-learn[plot] Unidecode uritemplate urllib3 visions wasabi wcwidth webencodings websocket-client Werkzeug wheel whichcraft widgetsnbextension wrapt wsproto xarray yarl zict zipp
#pip3 list &>> /tmp/debug1.txt
npm install -g npx
#nodejs --version &>> /tmp/debug1.txt
tmux start \; \
new -d -s sleep 'sleep 1'\; \
new -d -s data_vis_pfs 'export KUBECONFIG=/var/data_vis/.kub/config && gcloud auth activate-service-account pfsmounter@{PROJECT}.iam.gserviceaccount.com --key-file=/var/data_vis/sa_cred.json &>> /tmp/pfs_log.txt && gcloud container clusters get-credentials {CLUSTER_NAME} --zone={ZONE_NAME} &>> /tmp/pfs_log.txt && kubectl config current-context &>> /tmp/pfs_log.txt && pachctl list repo && pachctl mount /var/data_vis/pfs --verbose &>> /tmp/pfs_log.txt' \; \
new -d -s data_vis_server 'sleep 1 && ls /var/data_vis/pfs/ &>> /tmp/debug1.txt && cd /var/data_vis/server/ && python3 ./index.py &>> /tmp/server_log.txt' \; \
new -d -s data_vis_client 'cd /var/data_vis/client/ && npx serve -l 3001 -s build &>> /tmp/client_log.txt'