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Extract HyperLink to URL and Text from a string of text and hyperlink

I tried to search but couldn't find someone in the exact scenario as me. Most only does with a cell containing hyperlink only.

I'm trying to edit articles with lots of hyperlink and strings of text from Google Doc. I figured out it wouldn't be possible to extract the Hyperlink and Text only in Google Doc, so I would paste it in Google Sheets.

How do I get the URL and Anchor Text from a string of text + hyperlink ?

Sheet1!A1:B10 is protected just in case somebody messed it up.


  • Use the function below. To run it, you must add the Google Sheets API service.

    function fillHyperlinks() {
      const ranges = "Sheet1!A6" // must be a single cell
      const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive() 
      const res = Sheets.Spreadsheets.get(ss.getId(), {ranges, fields: "sheets/data/rowData/values"});
      const rowData = res["sheets"][0]["data"][0]["rowData"]
      const result = []
      if(rowData.length>1 || rowData[0]["values"].length>1){
          throw new Error("the range must be a single cell")
      const value= rowData[0]["values"][0]
      const runs = []
      const text = value["formattedValue"]
      const textFormatRuns = value["textFormatRuns"]
      let rows
        for(let r of textFormatRuns){
          const index = r.startIndex?r.startIndex:0
            // if not the first item, save the end position of the previous run element
            runs[runs.length-1].end = index
            end: text.length  // will be overwritten if not the last item
        const links = runs.filter(run=>>({, text:text.slice(run.index, run.end)}))
        rows =>[link.text,])
        //rows =>[[link.text], []])
      } else{
        rows =  ["no links found"]
      // set the destinination
      ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1").getRange(8,1,rows.length, rows[0].length).setValues(rows)

    add a service

    select Google Sheets API