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geth private network is which type of node?

I'm new to blockchain, I have setup on private node using geth.

Now I want to know, which kind of chain it is called PoA based chain or PoW?

below is my command to start private node:

geth --nodiscover --networkid 1111 --datadir node1 --unlock ADD --rpccorsdomain="" --mine --rpc --rpcapi "admin,debug,eth,miner,net,personal,txpool,web3,clique" --nousb --rpc --rpcaddr --ws.api "eth,net,web3,debug,txpool" --ws --ws.addr --ws.port 8546 "" --syncmode=full --gcmode=archive --rpcvhosts=* --allow-insecure-unlock console


  • It depends on your genesis.json config, not on the CLI params.

    You're using Proof of Authority (PoA) if you have the clique defined in the config. If you don't have it, you're using Proof of Work (PoW).

    For more info, see "Clique Example" in the docs.