I am facing this issue when I want to display Mexico map
As you can see is not showing completely, I dont want to be able to zoom in, I just want the map to be shown centered and complete
this is my code so far.
const geoUrl = 'https://gist.githubusercontent.com/diegovalle/5129746/raw/c1c35e439b1d5e688bca20b79f0e53a1fc12bf9e/mx_tj.json'
//const geoUrl = mapa2 ;
return (
<h1>Bienvenido a Blog!</h1>
<ComposableMap style={{backgroundColor:'gray'}} projection={'geoAlbers'}>
<Geographies style={{backgroundColor:'green', bottom:100}} geography={geoUrl}>
{({ geographies }) =>
geographies.map(geo => (
<Geography key={geo.rsmKey} geography={geo} />
To center the map you could use projectionConfig
props with center
. Something like:
style={{ backgroundColor: "gray" }}
center:[-5, 25]
The result is:
Here a codesandbox of your code modified.