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Filtering and summarising data from one dataframe using datetimes from another in R

I am trying to use datetime stamps from one dataframe to filter and summarise data from another dataframe. This is also to be done by a grouping variable (a UserId). Here are some fictional examples of the data I am working with:-


df1<-structure(list(UserId = c("6i9Gla", "6i9Gla", "6i9Gla", "6i9Gla", 
"6i9Gla", "6i9Gla", "59hGIY", "59hGIY", "LzDaPX", "LzDaPX", "LzDaPX", 
"LzDaPX", "LzDaPX", "LzDaPX", "LzDaPX", "LzDaPX", "LzDaPX", "LzDaPX", 
"o0fsPt", "o0fsPt", "o0fsPt", "o0fsPt", "o0fsPt", "o0fsPt", "o0fsPt", 
"o0fsPt", "o0fsPt", "o0fsPt", "o0fsPt", "o0fsPt", "o0fsPt", "o0fsPt", 
"o0fsPt", "o0fsPt", "o0fsPt", "o0fsPt", "o3wUUC", "o3wUUC", "o3wUUC", 
"gXbJAq", "gXbJAq"), Duration = c(632L, 167L, 868L, 27L, 309L, 
671L, 7L, 8L, 7L, 19L, 81L, 600L, 391L, 615L, 332L, 197L, 168L, 
27L, 836L, 257L, 24L, 555L, 99L, 286L, 387L, 11L, 79L, 181L, 
293L, 126L, 6L, 10L, 1247L, 259L, 11L, 547L, 28L, 19L, 17L, 7L, 
10L), Genre = c("Sport", "Sport", "Sport", "Sport", "Sport", 
"Sport", "Sport", "Sport", "Sport", "Sport", "Sport", "Sport", 
"Sport", "Sport", "Sport", "Sport", "Sport", "Sport", "Sport", 
"Sport", "Sport", "Sport", "Sport", "Sport", "Sport", "Sport", 
"Sport", "Sport", "Sport", "Sport", "Sport", "Sport", "Sport", 
"Sport", "Sport", "Sport", "Sport", "Sport", "Sport", "Sport", 
"Sport"), DateTime_Start = structure(c(1614292441.754, 1614291282.352, 
1614291509.308, 1614288742.042, 1614294373.856, 1614293122.735, 
1614294911.325, 1614289403.922, 1614289358.205, 1614290574.724, 
1614293909.406, 1614295977.859, 1614294049.531, 1614294711.345, 
1614295613.728, 1614294488.27, 1614295400.927, 1614293277.01, 
1614290364.352, 1614293571.4, 1614293873.58, 1614292529.847, 
1614291353.127, 1614296784.14, 1614295424.46, 1614294012.164, 
1614293909.164, 1614292191.902, 1614291777.142, 1614295930.443, 
1614292521.197, 1614291208.605, 1614294092.039, 1614293283.587, 
1614294040.841, 1614296214.851, 1614292701.846, 1614296929.017, 
1614294151.79, 1614292835.834, 1614288948.473), class = c("POSIXct", 
"POSIXt"), tzone = "UTC")), row.names = c(NA, -41L), class = "data.frame")

  UserId Duration Genre      DateTime_Start
1 6i9Gla      632 Sport 2021-02-25 22:34:01
2 6i9Gla      167 Sport 2021-02-25 22:14:42
3 6i9Gla      868 Sport 2021-02-25 22:18:29
4 6i9Gla       27 Sport 2021-02-25 21:32:22
5 6i9Gla      309 Sport 2021-02-25 23:06:13
6 6i9Gla      671 Sport 2021-02-25 22:45:22


df2<-structure(list(UserId = c("6i9Gla", "59hGIY", "LzDaPX", "o0fsPt", 
"o3wUUC", "gXbJAq"), OrigTime = structure(c(1614288742.042, 1614289403.922, 
1614289358.205, 1614290364.352, 1614292701.846, 1614288948.473
), class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = "UTC"), LastTime = structure(c(1614291509.308, 
1614289403.922, 1614290574.724, 1614293909.164, 1614294151.79, 
1614288948.473), class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = "UTC"), 
    events_recount = c(3L, 1L, 2L, 11L, 2L, 1L)), row.names = c(NA, 
-6L), class = "data.frame")


  UserId            OrigTime            LastTime events_recount
1 6i9Gla 2021-02-25 21:32:22 2021-02-25 22:18:29              3
2 59hGIY 2021-02-25 21:43:23 2021-02-25 21:43:23              1
3 LzDaPX 2021-02-25 21:42:38 2021-02-25 22:02:54              2
4 o0fsPt 2021-02-25 21:59:24 2021-02-25 22:58:29             11
5 o3wUUC 2021-02-25 22:38:21 2021-02-25 23:02:31              2
6 gXbJAq 2021-02-25 21:35:48 2021-02-25 21:35:48              1

Essentially, I am trying to group by UserId and then filter and summarise the rows in df1 that occur between OrigTime and LastTime in df2. Here is what I want to summarise between the filtered rows:-

  • The total duration (sum the Duration column in df1)
  • The average duration (mean of the Duration column in df1)
  • The most watched Genre in df1
  • How many times did the Genre change (I know in this answer, it will be zero, but I need to apply the solution to a larger, more diverse real-world dataset

After this, I would like the output of the filtering and summary to be merged back onto df2.

Any pointers on how to do this? Much appreciated!


  • library(data.table)
    # Convert df1 and df2 to data.table format
    #  keep rownames in column 'rn' and set keys 
    setDT(df1, keep.rownames = "rn1")
    setDT(df2, keep.rownames = "rn2")
    # create an end-dummyvariable in df1
    df1[, temp_time := DateTime_Start]
    # set keys
    setkey(df1, UserId, DateTime_Start, temp_time)
    setkey(df2, UserId, OrigTime, LastTime)
    # perform overlap join
    answer <- foverlaps(df2, df1)
    # now you can summarise based on this data.table