Is there any map software that has api that can be called from c#? I have coded a delivery application, and I need to query Addresses and show a map with the location and route. I also need it to be offline from the internet. I heard that I can use Mappoint or Autoroute.
AutoRoute = "Streets&Trips" branded for Europe. These are cut down versions of Microsoft MapPoint. They lack some of the business plotting stuff, but they also lack an API.
MapPoint can be installed from disk and comes with its own road data. But you are limitd to North America and Europe - this coverage might be too limited for your requirements?
The only low cost alternatives would be to find an open source system like QuantumGIS (which I don't think has routing but I could be wrong) or pgRouting (routing extension for PostGIS) and use OpenStreetMap data. Other systems that can work for multiple countries (excepting MapPoint) are going to tend to be pricey.
Finally: Good reasons not to use Bing Maps and Google Maps? Both Google and Microsoft have changed their APIs on a fairly frequent basis due to innovation. They are becoming more stable, but do you want to re-write your application every 12-18 months?