I am using fluro router to navigate in flutter web app. But the problem am facing is that i want to pass argument to another page without showing it in url. How can i do so?
Main.dart code:-
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
title: 'Testing',
theme: ThemeData(
primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
fontFamily: Themes.primaryFontFamily,
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
initialRoute: '/pass/abc',
onGenerateRoute: FluroRouting.router.generator,
As you can see i can easily pass abc
to page pass but how can i pass a second argument 178
which should not be shown in url?
class FluroRouting {
static final router = FluroRouter();
static Handler _passHandler = Handler(
handlerFunc: (BuildContext? context, Map<String, dynamic> params) =>
Pass(Argument1:params['arg'][0],Argument2: ,));//how can i get 2nd argument?
static void setupRouter() {
router.define('/pass/:arg', handler: _passHandler,);
router.notFoundHandler = Handler(
handlerFunc: (BuildContext? context, Map<String, dynamic> params) =>NotFound()
static void navigateToPage({required String routeName,required BuildContext context}) {
router.navigateTo(context, routeName, transition: TransitionType.none);
In case someone wants to pass the argument then they need to edit the route function as:-
static void navigateToPage({required String routeName,required BuildContext context, int? val}) {
router.navigateTo(context, routeName, transition: TransitionType.none,routeSettings: RouteSettings(arguments: val));
and for navigating:-
FluroRouting.navigateToPage(routeName: '/dress/abc', context: context, val: 178);