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How to change libwebsockets color scheme

I am using libwebsockets library. This exposes certain methods for writing into a log file. lwsl_warn(...), lwsl_err(...) and lwsl_err(...) to name the most common. The output is color coded using ANSI sequences.

Is there a way to set the default color scheme (other than recompiling the library)? Thanks.


  • I poked around in the libwebsockets source and found my answer: The colors are hard coded - so the answer to my original question is "no".

    However, the color scheme is not hard to find and edit. It resides in two source files - one of these is compiled depending on options:




    All it takes is to edit the self-explanatory table:

    static const char * const colours[] = {
        "[31;1m", /* LLL_ERR */
        "[36;1m", /* LLL_WARN */
        "[35;1m", /* LLL_NOTICE */ 
        "[32;1m", /* LLL_INFO */
        "[34;1m", /* LLL_DEBUG */
        "[33;1m", /* LLL_PARSER */
        "[33m",   /* LLL_HEADER */
        "[33m",   /* LLL_EXT */
        "[33m",   /* LLL_CLIENT */
        "[33;1m", /* LLL_LATENCY */
        "[0;1m",  /* LLL_USER */
        "[31m",   /* LLL_THREAD */

    Then build as before. Once in the libwebsockets/build directory do the following:

    make clean
    make && sudo make install
    sudo ldconfig

    ... and enjoy!