I created an effect that controls the session time. After the time the Logout action is called. On my app there are some poolings to update counters that I want to ignore. How should I do?
The application is too big and listing all actions is not an option.
export class ApplicationEffects {
extendApplicationTimeout$ = createEffect(() => this.actions$
.switchMap( ( action: Action ) => Observable.timer(this.APPLICATION_TIMEOUT_TIME) )
.map(() => new ApplicationActions.LogOut()));
constructor( private actions$: Actions ) {}
Haven’t tried this, but looked at the code for ofType. You can probably create your own operator based on that. Something like this:
export function ofAnyTypeExcept(...disAllowedTypes: Array<string | ActionCreator<string, Creator>>): OperatorFunction<Action, Action> {
return filter((action: Action) =>
disAllowedTypes.every((typeOrActionCreator) => {
if (typeof typeOrActionCreator === 'string') {
// Comparing the string to type
return typeOrActionCreator !== action.type;
// We are filtering by ActionCreator
return typeOrActionCreator.type !== action.type;