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Automate "Send me a copy of email I send to a group" via PowerShell

Referenced MS Article:

I am looking for any possibilities to globally update the setting found in the referenced link above.

I've looked through every admin portal and potential PS references with no luck.


  • I found this is a mailbox message configuration item. I'm using the ExchangeOnlineManagement module here, but it should be the same for other versions:

    # To see the current setting:
    Get-Mailbox | 
      Get-MailboxMessageConfiguration | 
      Select EchoGroupMessageBackToSubscribedSender
    # True|False
    # To set for multiple users, get the list of mailbox objects
    $mailboxes = Get-Mailbox  ## Filter as needed, and check your -ResultSize too
    # The Set command will take the whole list as input
    $mailboxes | Where { -Not EchoGroupMessageBackToSubscribedSender } |
      Set-MailboxMessageConfiguration -EchoGroupMessageBackToSubscribedSender $true