I want to clear the value entered in the text field whenever the user unchecks the checkbox, I am wondering if this is possible through XMl or Javascript in a XML Odoo view.
XMl code
<field name="expend_percetage" attrs="{'readonly':[('state', 'in', ('done','cancel','sale'))],
'invisible':[('fixed_expend', '=', True)]}" />
<field name="fixed_expend" attrs="{'readonly':[('state', 'in', ('done','cancel','sale'))],
'invisible':[('expend_percetage', '=', True)]}" />
<field name="percent_amount" nolabel="1"
attrs="{'invisible':['&',('expend_percetage', '=', False),('fixed_expend', '=', False)],
'readonly': [('state', 'in', ('done','cancel','sale'))] }"/>
Python validations
def check_percent_amount(self):
for record in self:
if record.expend_percetage == True:
if record.percent_amount > 100:
raise exceptions.ValidationError("Percentage of costs cannot be greater than 100%")
elif record.percent_amount < 0:
raise exceptions.ValidationError("The percentage cannot be a negative value")
elif record.fixed_expend == True:
if record.percent_amount > record.total_revenue:
raise exceptions.ValidationError("The Fixed amount cannot be greater than the total revenue")
elif record.percent_amount < 0:
raise exceptions.ValidationError("The Fixed amount cannot be a negative value")
@api.constrains would be better for validating data, but for clearing user input at frontend you should use @api.onchange.
def onchange_percent_amount(self):
if not self.expend_percetage or not self.fixed_expend:
self.percent_amount = 0