I have an issue when including the special characters such as "#" in Amazon Listing API. For example, the sku, HP-2DP98AA#ABC-200621 will be updating the quantity at 20. However, Amazon API responses InvalidSignature
I did apply the encoding for the SKU before submitting the request to Amazon, but it is failed all the time. Any idea?
the AWS documents selling-partner-api-docs Rest API about how to patch the items URL is PATCH /listings/2020-09-01/items/{sellerId}/{sku}. This means that sku need to add in URL which contains "#" like this.
/listings/2020-09-01/items/{your sellerId}/HP-2DP98AA#ABC-200621
This request URL would be cause the exception or InvalidSignature from AWS , because "#" in URL need to encode "#" to "%23" such as below:
/listings/2020-09-01/items/{your sellerId}/HP-2DP98AA%23ABC-200621
Also, need to add sellerId, marketplaceIds, and sku parameters as well.
Additionally, AWS4 Canonical Request is like below:
AWS4 Canonical Request: '"PATCH
/listings/2020-09-01/items/{your sellerId}/HP-2DP98AA%2523ABC-200621
marketplaceIds={your marketplaceIds}&sellerId={your sellerId}&sku=HP-2DP98AA%23ABC-200621
content-type:application/json; charset=utf-8