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How to use Global extension in Angular?

On an Angular 12 application I created the following extension:

declare global {
  interface String {
    toNumber(): number | null;

Object.defineProperty(String.prototype, "toNumber", {
  value: function(this: string) {
    return Number(this) || null;

When using in an Angular's component:

var number = stringValue.toNumber();

I get the error:

Property 'toNumber' does not exist on type 'string'.

What is the best way to use such extensions in Angular?

Do I need to change the way I am creating the extension?


  • You can achieve this with the following:

    • You need to define the signature of the extension method in the global interface. Either put it in a separate file, e.g. under the src folder create a global.d.ts file. Or add it to the file of the implementation of the method further below:
    declare global {
      interface String {
        toNumber(): number | null;
    export {}; // to define this file as a module
    • Add the implementation of the extension method within file string-extension.ts anywhere under src folder, with the following content:
    Object.defineProperty(String.prototype, "toNumber", {
      value(this: string) {
        return Number(this) || null;
    export {}; // to define this file as a module
    • Import the string-extension.ts file into app.module.ts to make the extension available globally:
     import 'PATH_TO_YOUR_FILE/string-extension'