I wrote this MQTT publisher code:
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import time
HOST = "localhost"
PORT = 1883
TOPIC = "noti"
def sendMsg():
MSG = ["1111", "2222", "3333", "4444", "5555"]
i = 0
while i<5:
client.publish(TOPIC, MSG[i], qos=0)
except Exception as e:
print("Caught Exception: " + e)
def onConnect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
if rc == 0:
print("Connected successfully")
print("Connection failed, result code: " + str(rc))
def onPublish(client, userdata, mid):
print ("Message is published")
client = mqtt.Client("pub")
client.on_connect = onConnect
client.on_publish = onPublish
client.connect(HOST, PORT, KEEP_ALIVE_INT)
And, the following is the MQTT subscriber code:
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import time
HOST = "localhost"
PORT = 1883
TOPIC = "noti"
def onConnect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
if rc == 0:
print("=> Connected successfully")
client.subscribe(TOPIC, 0)
print("=> Connection failed, result code: " + str(rc))
def onSubscribe(mosq, obj, mid, granted_qos):
print ("=> Subscribed to topic: " + TOPIC)
print ("Granted QOS: "+str(granted_qos))
def onMessage(client, userdata, msg):
print("=> Received message: " + msg.topic +" - " + msg.payload.decode("utf-8"))
client = mqtt.Client("sub")
client.on_message = onMessage
client.on_connect = onConnect
client.on_subscribe = onSubscribe
client.connect(HOST, PORT, KEEP_ALIVE_INT )
I am using Mosquitto broker in my PC.
The publish is done in every 1 second, but I can see the print "Message is published" 5 times after all 5 messages are published. Also, the subscriber receives the messages together after 5 seconds, not in every 1 second.
Please help me understand the mistake, suggest modification.
This is because all callbacks and message handling happen on the client network loop thread and you are blocking that thread by not returning from the on_connect()
So the calls to client.publish()
are queued up until the on_connect()
callback returns.
You need to find a way to trigger the sendMsg()
function not on the client loop. (Probably on a separate thread)